I am Amitha currently pursuing my Integrated M.Tech in Computer Science at International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore. A Tech-Enthusiast trying out new things. I got introduced to the world of coding when I joined college, Its been more than two years since I started programming.

I am very much intrested in puzzles, technological motivations such as human-computer interaction and theoretical computer science. Apart from programming, I enjoy reading books and dancing. In free time I generally watch movies. I love learning new languages both programming and human.
Chinthakunta Amitha Reddy
BIRTH DATE:28 June, 2002
LOCATION:Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh
My Projects
MentalHealth Awareness Website
A fun group project with my friends named "Dont drain the brain" which helps to estimate the mental health and gives some feedback on how to improve mental health. A quiz used to estimate the meantal health and by the analyzing the answers its gives the status and mental health and suggestions how to improve.
Github WebsiteSnake And Ladder Game
A GUI based Snake and Ladder game in python using pygames.Snakes and Ladders is an ancient Indian board game regarded today as a worldwide classic. It is played between two or more players on a gameboard having numbered, gridded squares. A number of "ladders" and "snakes" are showcased on the board, each connecting two distinct board squares. The objective of the game is to navigate one's game piece, according to die rolls, from the start (bottom square) to the finish (top square), helped or hindered by ladders and snakes, respectively.
GithubAutomobile Mangement
A project to manage Auto Mobile Inventary System as part of the class project in C.This inventory management system, is used to maintain an automobile store. The management system has a record of all the raw materials present. The management system makes necessary changes when a raw material is bought or sold or lost.
2019 - Present
International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore.
Integrated M.Tech is B.Tech+M.Tech which is a five year course.
Current CGPA=3.22/42017 - 2019
Narayana Junior College
XI,XII Standard in Board of Intermediate Education, A.P
Grade Points(CGPA)=10.02014 - 2017
ViswaBharati English Meduim High School
X in Board of Secondary Education, A.P
Grade Points(GPA)=10.0